Due to the demands of today's fast-paced modern life, numerous people have difficulty finding the time necessary to establish, nurture, and sustain happy, meaningful relationships.
Since social relationships play a crucial role in human existence, their breakdown or deterioration can have an enormous adverse impact on our mental health and general wellbeing.
In the same vein, men's wellbeing is positively impacted by healthy relationships. Married or partnered males have better mental health than women and single men, and they also tend to live longer than single men.
Marriage seems to have a positive impact on men's health which reduces their feelings of depression, loneliness, and suicidality. It also appears to be linked to lower rates of alcohol and drug abuse, according to a 2019 study published in Cambridge University Press, "Marriage and reductions in men's alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use".
Despite these advantages, male suicide remains a global crisis. Men end their lives three to four times more frequently than women do, and they're known to use more deadly means (such as weapons or asphyxiation) to do it.
Does Anyone Care About Men’s Struggles? - Richard Reeves
The Crisis Of Modern Masculinity - Nina Power
Recent research found that while serious depression is a contributor in suicidality, being single, unmarried, divorced, or widowed is also a powerful predictor of suicidality in men.
Men who uphold traditional views of masculinity—emotional stoicism, the need to be in charge, and the fear of being viewed as weak for asking help—are more likely to injure themselves, isolate themselves, or resort to aggression and anger when experiencing distress.
The correlations among male mental illness, intimate relationships, and suicidality, are especially troubling in light of the high rates of separation, divorce and separation observed in countries including Britain, Canada, and Australia.
Distressed relationships test and erode gendered features of traditional masculinity, such as autonomous problem solving, exerting control over life events, and projecting an image of a confident family man.
In an interview, men talked about their fragile mental health, their distressed states, and potential for a breakdown after a breakup. Many participants expressed their struggles with the emotional strain and effort required that maintaining a long-term relationship entails.
The end of an intimate relationship prompted intense feelings that included sadness, anger, guilt, and regret. These emotions showed up as varying degrees of anxiety, depression, and suicidality in some men.
Many turned to "Herculean" amounts of weed, booze, extreme exercise, frenzied dating, marathon gaming, and other techniques that dull emotions in order to deal with emotional distress.
Does The World Actually Want Vulnerable Men? - Connor Beaton
But over time, most men sought out family and friends for support. They also looked for books, podcasts, and online resources to help them cope with their distress and gain a better understanding of relationship dynamics.
Watch: The Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown, an expert and researcher in human connections.
Also watch: The Price of Invulnerability by Brené Brown
Due to the pivotal impact of intimate partner relationships on men's health, it necessitates the question of relationship skills.
With this necessity in mind, here are four wholesome relationships that are essential for any man to have to help them sustain intimate relationships (or survive better after a breakup) and to navigate life overall:
1- the mentor
2- the work buddy
3- the gym buddy
4- the childhood friend
When we can put in the effort necessary to develop wholesome, inclusive relationships, we have the power to improve society and the bigger world.
Reach out to the experts from JarvisHypnotherapy if you need help navigating a tough relationship.
If you missed it, here’s the previous article from JarvisHypnotherapy: How Relationships Affect Men's Health.
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