Self-confidence is related to practically every aspect of a happy and fulfilling life. The following are the five main advantages of self-confidence. Understanding these key rewards is a crucial first step in living a satisfying life with confidence.
1- Less anxiety and fear
As your confidence grows, the more you are able to silence the nagging inner doubt that says, “I’m not capable.” You’ll be able to break away from negative thoughts and act in accordance with your core values.
Those who have struggled with low self-confidence are likely familiar with rumination, the habit of obsessively dwelling on perceived mistakes and worries, going over them endlessly. This excessive overthinking is associated with both expression and anxiety, and it can cause us to shut off the world. However, by working on and boosting your self-confidence, you can stop this cycle of excessive rumination and silence your inner critic.
2- Greater Motivation
Boosting self-confidence often involves taking small steps that yield a lasting sense of achievement. If you've ever mastered a skill, hit a fitness goal, learned a new language, or overcome roadblocks to reach your goal, you're already on the right track.
You may wonder, "How is my 'A' grade in high school Calculus relevant today?" But if you reflect on key achievements in your life, you’ll likely find that they require substantial persistence. If you could persevere and succeed then, you can certainly apply the same resolve in other areas of your life where self-doubt creeps in or takes over.
As your self-confidence starts to grow, you'll notice an increase in motivation to challenge your abilities. Doubts will inevitably cross your mind: "What if I make a fool of myself?" "What if I fail?" However, with a strong self-assurance, those thoughts will stop immobilizing you. Instead, you'll be motivated to act and energized by the progress you're making towards goals that are truly important to you. This willingness to act despite uncertainties demonstrates your growing self-confidence.
3- Increased Resilience
Confidence gives you the necessary coping mechanisms and skills to deal with obstacles and failures. Having self-confidence doesn't mean you'll never face failure. Instead, it means you'll be prepared to face challenges without being totally incapacitated by them. Even when outcomes greatly deviate from your initial plans, you'll be able to resist the urge to beat yourself up.
As you continually push your own boundaries and try new things, you'll start to fully appreciate how failures and mistakes allow growth. An acceptance that failure is simply a part of life will begin to take hold. Interestingly, by becoming more comfortable with the prospect of failure, you're actually more likely to achieve success.
This is because you're not waiting for conditions to be completely perfect before you take action. Attempting more tasks will naturally lead to accomplishing more of them, further reinforcing your self-confidence. This is the beauty of resilience cultivated from self-confidence - it leads to a more proactive approach in life.
4- Better Relationships
It might seem contradictory, but having more self-confidence actually makes you less self-absorbed. We've all experienced those moments when we walk into a room full of people and immediately think, "Everyone's staring at me. They think I look unattractive and that everything I say is stupid." In reality, people are generally preoccupied with their own thoughts and worries. Once you manage to get out of your own head, you'll be able to truly connect with others.
You'll enjoy your encounters more as you won't be preoccupied with the impression you're making or comparing yourself to others. Your relaxed mood will also help others feel more comfortable around you, fostering stronger connections.
Moreover, self-confidence can enhance deeper empathy towards others. When you're fully present, you're more likely to notice subtle cues, such as a date seeming a bit down, or a friend needing emotional support. Free from self-doubt, you can be the person who can reach out to others, further strengthening your interpersonal relationships. Your self-confidence aids not just in self-improvement, but in improving your social connections as well.
5- Deepened Awareness of Your True Self
Finally, confidence grounds you in who you truly are. You'll be able to accept your flaws while remaining certain that they won't affect your sense of self-worth. At the same time, it encourages you to celebrate and leverage your strengths better.
Your actions will align with your principles, infusing your life with a strong sense of purpose. Self-confidence empowers you with a clear understanding of your identity and convictions. It gives you the ability to show up confidently, defend your standpoint, and speak up. In essence, self-confidence paves the way for your best self to radiate brightly.
This deepened self-awareness is a fundamental benefit of self-confidence. It not only enhances your sense of self but also impacts how you interact with the world around you.
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Practical Action Steps to Take:
1. Jot down an inspiring quote on self-confidence and place it somewhere you frequently visit. This regular visual reminder will help boost your spirits and reinforce your confidence.
2. Do you have a snapshot capturing a moment when you felt confident and triumphant? It could be a graduation photo, a picture of you as a child after you mastered riding a bike, or any other moment that holds a special meaning to you. Hang this picture on your fridge or bathroom mirror and frequently reflect on the journey and effort that led up to that victorious moment. This can serve as a powerful reminder of your capabilities.
3. Try one of Alice Boyes' 5 Tricks for Low Self-Confidence for times when you second-guess yourself:
a. "What was initially a source of anxiety for me, but has now become relatively manageable?" Reflect on the journey from fear to familiarity. Understand that this progression demonstrates your inherent capability to adapt and overcome challenges. It's a reminder that things that seem daunting at first can, over time, become part of your routine as you build confidence.
b. Step back to gain a broader perspective. This involves distancing yourself momentarily from your current situation or problem to view it from a wider lens. Taking this figurative step back can help you see the bigger picture, assess the issue objectively, and possibly discover new solutions.
c. Ask yourself: "To whom am I comparing myself?" It's crucial to acknowledge if you're measuring your worth or success against others. Asking yourself this question can help you recognize if you're stuck in the trap of comparison. Social comparison often leads to self-doubt and diminishes our confidence.
d. Understand that having self-doubt doesn't mean you're heading in the wrong direction. Self-doubt, like all emotions, is a part of our evolved alert system pushing us to thoroughly evaluate our actions. However, this system isn't perfect and often generates false alarms, particularly for those more susceptible to anxiety, leading to unhealthy overthinking. Feeling self-doubt doesn't automatically mean you're making a mistake. More often, it signifies you're facing a task that's difficult, unfamiliar, or both. Despite the discomfort it brings, self-doubt can also serve a beneficial role by prompting critical evaluation and caution.
e. Know what you need to weather the storm and bounce back. It's important to understand what self-care practices work best for you when dealing with emotional difficulties. You might prefer social strategies, such as connecting with friends or debriefing stressful situations with your significant other. You might rely on physical tactics to manage stress, like prioritizing adequate sleep, exercising, practicing measured breathing, doing yoga, or meditating. Alternatively, you might enjoy behavioral strategies, like indulging in your favorite food or watching a movie. If you feel socially isolated, consider reaching out to less close acquaintances, such as coworkers.
However, also be aware of any habits you resort to when stressed that may actually exacerbate your distress, like staying up extremely late. It's crucial to identify and circumvent these self-sabotaging patterns. Navigating emotional storms successfully involves not just using helpful coping strategies, but also eliminating those that cause more harm than good.
In addition to the above tips, Amy Morin outlined 6 Proven Ways to Build Confidence:
1- Stop comparing yourself to others.
2- Create boundaries.
3-. Take care of your body.
4- Spend time with positive people.
5- Re-frame your negative self-talk.
6- Act as if you feel confident.
If building up confidence is a real struggle, it might be beneficial to seek professional help. Talk to JarvisHypnotherapy today! Talking to a therapist can provide you the opportunity to discover effective strategies and tools that can aid in becoming the best version of yourself.
Also, check out the previous article from JarvisHypnotherapy: Why Has Autism Rates in Children Soared?.
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