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Hypnotherapy for pre-teens

A child’s life is full of discovery and of learning and children aged from around 7 to 10 are at a particularly delightful age. They are becoming independent, making friends and starting to understand the world around them.

However, children have to deal with change, loss, bullying, violence, criticism, low self-esteem, and their own bodies as they move through rapid growth periods over short periods of time.

There are many tasks they have to overcome like handling bullies, unfamiliar schoolwork, education, sport and all this time trying to “belong”. Sometimes the comparison to others can make feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem or even depression rise to the surface.

Children, just like adults, show their reaction to stress, change, violence, low self-esteem, grief and loss in many different ways. Their marks in school may begin to drop. The child may become forgetful, distracted, angry, irritable and even violent. They might become accident-prone or have headaches or an upset stomach.

Other fears that rise to the surface are a fear of the dark, the fear of going to sleep, fear of animals or insects, fear of travelling, a phobia of needles, doctors or dentists.

The use of hypnotherapy, which works with the use of the imagination, can be even more effective than it is in adults, as a way of changing responses.

Your child doesn’t have to be behaving badly in order to benefit from complementary therapies. Standard behaviour, common in many well-behaved children, can be treated easily.

One example is for nail biting.

The clinical name for nail biting is chronic onychophagia. It occurs in approximately 28% to 33% of children ages 7-10 years old and is slightly more common in young males.

A nail biting habit is very often developed in childhood and usually is a response to stress or anxiety. In later life that nail biting habit continues as a learned habit. A sufferer may well still bite their nails as a response to stress because this is what they have taught themselves to do over many years.

Negative side effects of nail biting include and increased risk of infection through transmission of germs and a lowered self esteem. Treatments for chronic nail biting include aversion therapy, medication and/or behavioural therapy and hypnotherapy.

As the nail biting habit takes place at an unconscious level and is an automatic response, it is at this level that the habit must be changed. Hypnosis can help you achieve this change permanently and painlessly.

At Jarvis Hypnotherapy we can help a wide range of problems in pre-teen children, including:

 Bedwetting (Enuresis)

 Nail biting

 Insomnia

 Divorce

 Hyperactivity

 Concentration issues

 Phobias

 Depression

 Anxiety

 Anger management

 Getting on with siblings

 Problems with new partners

 Exam nerves

 Eating issues

 Confidence

 Dyslexia

 Allergies

 Asthma

 Athletic ability

 Attitudes

 Compulsive behaviour

 Creativity enhancement

 Physical coordination

 Fear of medical people

 Friendlessness

 Grief and loss

 Headaches

 Illness

 Insecurity and lack of confidence

 Learning problems

 Low self-esteem  Memory problems

 Nervousness and nervous habits

 Nightmares and sleepwalking

 Pain

 Performance anxiety

 School problems

 Shyness

 Sleep disorders

 Speech difficulties

 Stealing

 Stress

 Suicidal thoughts

 Thumb-sucking

 Uncontrollable anger

 Vandalism

 Weight issues

Contact us today for an obligation-free 20-minute consultation.


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